6 Middle of the Funnel (MOFU) Content Ideas

6 Middle of the Funnel (MOFU) Content Ideas

Mar 16, 2024

As we discussed the top-of-the-funnel content, now it’s time to discuss the LinkedIn content for middle-of-the-funnel (mofu) audiences on LinkedIn. The first thing we need to remember is that not all folks at the top of the funnel will reach the middle. Only a fraction of the existing people will reach the middle- the ones who are actually looking for deeper level knowledge and improve their work/career/life. As potential leads go from being aware of their problems and beginning to consider solutions, they reach the middle of the funnel. This phase is crucial; the content must educate, engage, and edge them closer to a decision and share bottom of the funnel content.

In this article, we will discuss in detail the LinkedIn content you should create for the people/audiences who lie in the middle of the funnel so that they can move further to the last step, ie the bottom of the funnel.

What is the Middle of the funnel (MOFU)?

Well, this is the transition where the user/audience goes from being problem-aware to looking for solutions and answers to their questions. At this stage, your audience seeks more than superficial content—they desire depth, relevance, and value. Crafting content that meets these criteria is essential for moving leads down the funnel. Tailored content that addresses specific concerns, answers questions, and presents viable solutions can significantly impact their decision-making process.

This content helps you filter out the people who may not be the right fit for your offering/goals and become aware of who is actually interested in and establish strong base for the bottom of the funnel content. So, let’s go ahead and discuss 6 types of content to serve the middle of the funnel.

  1. Detailed How-To Guides and Tutorials

How-to guides and tutorials are gold mines for MOFU content. They address the audience's quest for knowledge and provide actionable insights into solving their problems or improving their skills. These posts don’t just scratch the surface but go into detail and try to address the problem in detail. A well-crafted guide that walks readers through a step-by-step process can position your brand as both a thought leader and a practical solution provider and an important aspect of your LinkedIn content.

Sharing such guides helps you in establishing a go-to person in the niche and acts as a way to nurture the leads further.

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  1. Host a LinkedIn audio event.

Hosting LinkedIn audio events and inviting others in your industries to have the discussions is a great way to build a direct connection with your listeners and answer their questions live. They provide a unique opportunity to engage directly with your audience, addressing their questions and showcasing your expertise in real time. It also lets you invite other audiences and gives you an opportunity to add others to the top of your funnel.

  1. Sharing personal stories and experiences of dealing with specific situations:

LinkedIn is the best storytelling platform you can leverage for your personal brand, and personal stories should be an important pillar of your content strategy. Talk about the challenges and situations you faced and how you dealt with them. Share your personal experience backed with a strong roadmap/steps to deal with. It can be something that happened in the past or that you follow currently. In fact, building in public also works quite well on LinkedIn. This helps you develop a deeper connection and set yourself as the go-to person.

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  1. Detailed Carousels and Infographics

Carousel posts on LinkedIn offer an engaging and informative way to capture the attention of Middle of the Funnel (MOFU) audiences. By allowing marketers to showcase multiple images or slides within a single post, carousels are perfect for delivering detailed content such as step-by-step guides, comprehensive lists, or contrasting options in an interactive format. This visual storytelling technique not only keeps the audience engaged but also provides valuable information that helps them move closer to making a decision.

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  1. Offering free guides and ebooks:

Offering free playbooks and eBooks on LinkedIn is a strategic approach to nurturing MOFU audiences. These resources deliver in-depth insights, strategies, and actionable tips, catering to the audience's quest for knowledge and solutions. By providing valuable content at no cost, you can establish trust, showcase expertise, and gently guide potential leads further down the sales funnel toward making informed decisions.

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  1. Conduct QnAs or offer free interactions.

Conducting Q&As or offering free interactions on LinkedIn allows brands to directly engage with their audience, providing a personalized experience that can significantly nurture MOFU leads. These sessions offer potential customers the opportunity to have their specific questions answered, deepening their understanding of your offerings. This direct interaction not only builds trust and rapport but also demonstrates your commitment to addressing individual needs and challenges, further encouraging their journey toward a purchase decision.

In Conclusion,

Engaging MOFU audiences requires a strategic blend of depth, relevance, and engagement. By implementing these seven content ideas, you can effectively address the specific needs and interests of your audience, guiding them confidently toward a purchase decision. The key lies in understanding their journey, providing valuable solutions, and positioning your brand as the answer they’ve been searching for. It’s crucial to nurture your MOFU audience in the right direction, as they are going to be your final customers or help you reach other goals from LinkedIn. So, are you doing your MOFU LinkedIn content right?